Garnet is a kind of high-grade gem, is a general name of mineral family, common color is red and in fact with many other colors which is enough to cover the entire color spectrum. Natural garnet is beloved in gemstone industry, it is considered a symbol of faith, constancy and simplicity; and garnet is also very good in the industrial field with very wide usage and well-loved. Let’s feel the depth charming of garnet and garnet mill
First, Categories of garnet deposit:
Garnet family is very large. Common ones are aluminum-containing garnet pyrope, almandine, spessartine calcium and calcium aluminum garnet, andradite, uvarovite like garnet. Garnet deposit have two kinds of primary deposits and sand deposits, native garnet deposits are main eclogite type (Jiangsu East China Sea), serpentinite type (Jiangsu East China Sea), amphibolite rock type (Hebei Xingtai), garnet amphibolite type (Zaoyang), silk mica quartz schist (Inner Mongolia Urad rear Banner), biotite quartz schist (Shanxi Shangnan), skarn (Hubei Daye). Primary deposit after weathering, handling enrichment can be formed into garnet sand deposits, located in the Quaternary eluvial and alluvial material layer, it is also found in the seaside placers (India).
Second, what kind of industrial application for garnet?
Garnet has versatile industrial application and can be used as sand-blasting and iron dust removal of steel, hull, bridges and the like; water jet cutting for metal, stone, glass; filter media for chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, water treatment; marble, optical grinding lenses, glassware, leather and other materials; grinding for wheel, whetstone, emery cloth, sandpaper raw materials; wear resistant material for highway pavement, runways, wear-resistant rubber, non-slip paint and other wear-resistant materials; in addition, garnet is also widely used in construction industries, high-grade lacquer interior and exterior decoration looks elegant. It is an ideal new non-metallic wear-resistant floor aggregate.
Third, what kind of garnet grinding mill is suitable for the production line?
Mining mill should be used for garnet powder grinding, to grinding powder into different specifications in accordance with customer demand. Guikuang is professional manufacturer for various types of milling machines, tailored various industries powder making production line according to the milling needs of customers. Garnet grinding priority is GK series new pendulum grinding mill and GKLM superfine vertical roller mill.