With the development of talc ultrafine powder application industry, the market is in great need of talc ultrafine vertical mill which can achieve large scale production.
Talc which is soft, smooth and creamy is common silicate mineral with Mohs hardness 1, it usually has lump shape, leaf shape, fiber shape and radial shape. Talc is widely used in the areas refractory, paper making, rubber filler, insulating material, lubricant, pesticides absorbent, leather coating, cosmetics etc.
Ultrafine powder vertical mill is equipment designed for customers who need to make 325-2500 mesh talc ultrafine powder. This machine is equipped with efficient pulse dust collector and muffler, which can reduce dust and noise. According to the needs of customers, We are committed to different industries for customers to develop dedicated powder production line solutions, to give reasonable prices of products offer for your talc powder project.