Epidemic prevention and control,Guikuang was still operating normally.
During the epidemic, the epidemic prevention did not slacken, and the development did not stop.
The company had always remained calm, actively responded to the government’s epidemic prevention and control work requirements, adhered to the general idea of “prioritizing benefits and ensuring core products”, conscientiously implemented the general requirements of “preventing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy, and ensuring safe development”.
The employees stayed in the company are continuously on the front line of epidemic prevention and control and production. With the spirit of being highly responsible to the company and customers, they protected themselves and seized the time to produce to ensure that both epidemic prevention and control and production and operation were at the same time. Their dedication had provided a guarantee for the stable operation of production, and they have shown with practical actions that “GuiLin Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. will go all out and firmly resolve to produce on time under the epidemic prevention and control.”
Work together to fight the epidemic and stick to the post and ensure production
The production line was as busy as usual. The workers in the factory wore masks and strictly implemented the prevention and control management system during the epidemic. The production site was stable and orderly.The leaders tracked the production progress throughout the process, raced against time, and went all out to ensure production and operation. All the employees were stationed in the factory are full of energy, concentrated resources, flexibly dispatch all forces, and cooperate efficiently to ensure the work of all links.
Every employee stationed in the factory worked day and night on the job, and every second counts, providing a strong guarantee for customers to work and produce safely during the epidemic. Having won the trust and recognition of customers, in the future work, Guikuang people will welcome the new journey with a fuller spirit and a more upward attitude!

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