The granite saw mud grinding mill is used to produce ceramic powder and high albite micro powder that can be used in glass, ceramics, rubber, decorative building materials and other industries.

Previously, waste materials such as stone slag and granite saw mud generated from mining and stone processing were rented and stored in places. The construction of the sawn mud production ceramic raw material project can effectively solve the problem of tailings utilization, eliminate the disorderly discharge of sawn mud and the hidden danger of damaging the environment, and achieve the recycling disposal from mining, processing of raw materials to the use of granite sawn mud Raymond mill or granite sawn mud vertical roller mill to process into powder. Realizing the resource utilization, recycling and efficient utilization of tailings. Effectively improve the ecological chain of Dongshu Decorative Materials Industrial Park, and comprehensively improve the efficiency of the exploitation and utilization of rust stone resources in Ningyang County.

Saw mud has many impurities, mixed with a large number of gravels and clay, and its composition is complex. The average content of iron and calcium reaches 3~4%. It is difficult to use the traditional technology with a large amount. Through systematic chemical analysis, organic combination, and adjustment and improvement of different firing systems, the researchers found that granite granite saw mud is mainly composed of quartz, plagioclase, orthoclase, and a small amount of biotite. The potassium content in the chemical composition is relatively high, and the firing range is wide, which is conducive to the general formula composition. A small amount of aluminum element shall be introduced into the granite saw mud composition formula with a large amount of granite saw mud to enhance the toughness of the green body and produce qualified foamed ceramic partition boards under the optimized firing system. The foamed ceramic partition board was developed with 10~90% granite saw mud content, meeting the performance requirements of the industry standard T/CBCSA12-2019 Foamed Ceramic Partition Board, and was successfully industrialized.

The granite saw mud grinding mill is the grinding equipment required for the project of granite saw mud production of ceramic raw materials. The particle size grading of the granite saw mud after being processed by the granite saw mud grinding mill. Among them, 20~60 mesh exceeds 80%, 20~80 mesh exceeds 92%, and the coarse particles on the 20 mesh sieve and the fine particles under the 100 mesh sieve are less. That is to say, the relatively coarse particles have less surface contact, the molecular gravity and electrostatic gravity between the powders are gradually reduced, the particles are not easy to bond, the fluidity of the powder is good, and the distribution is uniform, which is also conducive to the discharge of gas in the oxidation decomposition stage, and is conducive to the more uniform foaming pore size in the high-temperature melting state.

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