
06Nov 2019

Raymond mill equipment can be used for grinding non-metallic mineral powder. It is grinding equipment for environmental protection and noise reduction, as well as professional equipment for high capacity and efficiency. What Raymond mills are more popular and netter quality? Guikuang is a well-known and experienced mill manufacturer, providing new environmental protection Raymond mill equipment, […]

02Jan 2020

With the rapid development of the milling industry, more and more users have invested in this equipment. However, for users who have just purchased a Raymond mill, there is a lot of demand after purchasing the equipment. What we pay attention to, for example, after the installation of the equipment is completed, the commissioning work […]

14Apr 2020

  Guikuang GKW micro powder grinding mill can be used in more than 300 kinds of minerals powder grinding, such as: calcium carbonate, limestone, dolomite, kaolin, china clay, carbon black, gypsum, marble, feldsapr, talc and so on. Compare with other brand micro powder grinding mill, what’s the advantages of Guikuang GKW micro powder grinding has? […]

22Apr 2020

In main unit’s working process, grinding roller device not only performs gyration by surrounding the central axis,but also performs revolution by surrounding the grinding ring. The grinding roller itself self- rotates by rubbing effect, the merit of which is that it can not only fully pulverize material, but also ensure uniform wear around grinding roller, […]

30Apr 2020

What equipment can be used to grind calcium hydroxide powder? GK(Guikuang) is a large-scale calcium hydroxide production equipment manufacturer, which combined with the production demand of the project, provides customized services and customized selection scheme, which is conducive to creating value for the calcium hydroxide powder project. GK is a large-scale calcium hydroxide production equipment […]

13May 2020

Silicon metal belongs to high hardness materials, brittle and fragile,it will be wear serious to the parts of the mill. In its grinding process, there will often be over-grinding site lead to sieve residue content of the product exceeded. In the actual production of silica fume, the control of sieve residue will be directly related […]

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