
30Jun 2021

Chế biến và sử dụng bột xỉ là một ngành công nghiệp mới nổi để bảo vệ môi trường. Việc phát triển và ứng dụng tài nguyên xỉ, sử dụng ít clinker, tiết kiệm năng lượng và bảo vệ môi trường phù hợp với chủ trương “vật liệu xây dựng sinh thái và vật liệu […]

30Jun 2021

f a concrete brick saves a cent, making bricks from concrete waste will bring billions of income. So how to deal with concrete waste brick into fine powder? First of all, manually pick out the wood products, steel products, etc. in the concrete waste to avoid affecting the powder quality and damaging the machine. Secondly, […]

27Jul 2021

What is quartz glass? It has become a puzzle for many people that the main component of quartz glass is silica, which is mainly made of natural quartz (such as crystal, quartz sand, etc.) after grinding and melting. Quartz glass has the advantages of high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, good thermal stability, light transmittance, energy […]

05Aug 2021

1.Fluorite is a mineralizer for cement production. It can reduce the firing temperature, increase the liquid phase and reduce the liquid phase.   2.Fluorite is a kind of adhesion promoter for cement, which is easy to absorb and promote the formation of original fluorite. Fluorite is made of various materials.   3.Fluorite is a retarder […]

12Nov 2021

Which is the best equipment for processing dolomite powder? Dolomite processing is mainly used for deep processing, and the fineness of finished products is generally in the range of 100-2500. Guikuang(GuiLin Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.) specializes in R & D and production of grinding equipment. Raymond mill, vertical roller mill, ultrafine mill and super-fine vertical […]

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