
11May 2019

During the production and use of Raymond machine, the circulation air duct will be blocked. Here,Guikuang reminds everyone to stop the material in time and check the cause of blockage of the air duct. After the inspection, the material can be ground. Powder production. What are the reasons for the blockage of the air duct, […]

21May 2019

GK Raymond Mill Introduction The Raymond mill structure is mainly composed of a main unit, an analyzer, a fan, a finished cyclone separator, a fine powder cyclone separator and a duct. Among them, the main body is composed of a frame, an inlet volute, a blade, a grinding roller, a grinding ring and a cover. […]

30May 2019

With the rapid development of thermal power plants and steel plant and other industries, the use amount of pulverized coal is increasing day by day, as the amount of pulverized coal is the most abundant fuel, the more fully the flue is burned, the more fuel efficiency can be improved, also to decline environmental pollution […]

11Jun 2019

It is reported that Chinese coal ash emissions in the past 9 years has increased by 2.5 times. This is mainly related to domestic demand growth. It can be seen from the previous period of coal panic that our country mainly relies on thermal power plants to supply electricity for a wide range of areas. […]

28Jun 2019

Quicklime materials are generally natural rocks as the main component of calcium carbonate, such as chalk, dolomitic limestone all can be used to produce lime. The main component of calcium carbonate’s natural rock calcined at a suitable temperature, after eliminate the decomposition of carbon dioxide, the resulting calcium oxide (CaO) as the main ingredients is […]

15Jul 2019

The main mineral composition of the limestone mill is calcite. The mineral particles and crystal structure are rare, and the surface is smooth and small particles. The colors are black, gray, white, yellow and brown. Limestone is used extensively as a building material and is an important raw material for many industries. Limestone can be […]

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