
05Aug 2019

Raymond mill is a traditional stone powder grinding machine, can be used in 50-450 mesh mineral powder grinding, such as: carbon black, calcium carbonate, marble, gypsum, calcite, dolomite, limestone, mica, coconut shell, fluorite, graphite, feldspar, talc, cement and other more than 200 kinds of different stone mineral powder grinding. Raymond mill also be called Raymond […]

15Aug 2019

Raymond mill is a kind of grinding equipment for processing and grinding ore materials. But the ore grinding mill is divided into ultrafine grinding mill and high pressure Raymond mill, ultrafine mill processed materials are within a few hundred to a few thousand head purpose range. Raymond mill manufacturers in various applications is very common, […]

30Aug 2019

For many mining industry factories or many grinding mill operators, they are familiar with Raymond mill and ball mill machine. However, both Raymond mill and ball mill have many difference, in this article, we will mainly talk about the difference between Raymond mill and ball mill. 1.Working principle difference between Raymond mill and ball mill […]

11Sep 2019

The new type of Raymond mill equipment is mill equipment supplied by Guikuang, in the field of non-metallic ore pulverizing. It can help the production demand of dolomite, marble, limestone, kaolin and bentonite in the powder market. The grinded fineness can be adjusted before 80-325 meshes. Guikuang supplies professional 80-200 mesh mill equipment with high […]

23Sep 2019

Limestone bases on Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). Lime and limestone is widely applied as construction material and industrial material. Limestone can be processed into building stones or be baked into quick lime, and then add water to make slaked lime. The lime slurry and lime putty can be used as coating material and adhesive. Lime is […]

24Oct 2019

Guikuang adheres to the principle published by the state of supporting the development of the basic industries such as the important energy, transportation and raw material, which should get the national support as the backbone of the basic industries in order to get the improvement and support, and doing something just like this can provide […]

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