
31May 2021

1 ultra fine grinding of the main bearing of the center of the pump once every four classes, once a month to refuel bearings 2 ultra fine grinding bearing room temperature shall not exceed 70 degrees 3 ultra fine powder grinding mill in the replacement of the roll sleeve. Roller bearings and bearing room should […]

30Jun 2021

The super-fine vertical mill is a special equipment for large-scale production of ultra-fine powder. It breaks through the processing bottleneck, greatly meets the needs of large-scale production of superfine powder, and can produce 7-45μM powder. It is also equipped with a secondary grading system that can produce up to 3μM powder.         […]

30Jun 2021

Silicon manganese slag can be used in mineral wool, glass ceramics, cement, concrete admixture, permeable brick and other materials. 1、Production of cement. Under the action of activator, the silicomanganese slag can react with water and produce cementitious property. It can be used as raw material and cement mixture to produce ordinary portland cement. 2、Concrete admixture. […]

30Jun 2021

The utilization rate of coal mine energy is relatively high, because there are a lot of slag produced by coal industry smelting every year. In order to avoid these slag damage to the environment and increase the recycling utilization rate, slag grinding mill is a more thorough and effective way of utilization.

06Aug 2021

We have been focusing on the research and development of solid waste grinding equipment, with the spirit of continuous improvement of craftsmanship and excellent special solid waste grinding equipment. It can promote the transformation of solid waste residue into treasure, help the solid waste residue field such as phosphogypsum residue to embark on the new […]

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