
18Jan 2021

Quy Trình Đá Vôi và  Thạch Cao Ướt Lưu huỳnh ôxit (SOx) phát ra trong quá trình đốt nhiên liệu có tính độc cao và gây ra mưa axit. Nó được hình thành trong quá trình đốt cháy các nhiên liệu có chứa lưu huỳnh như than đá và dầu. Quá trình đá vôi – […]

28Jan 2021

The heavy calcium carbonate is widely used in various kinds of industries. The 400 mesh heavy calcium carbonate powder is suitable for plastic, paper, building, man-made marble, tile, fodder and painting industry. The price of 400 mesh powder is relatively low, which is usually made by Raymond Mill. In the paper industry, the powder should […]

05Feb 2021

Quicklime, also referred to as lime is derived from high quality, natural deposits of limestone or dolomitic limestone. Adding water to quicklime produces an exothermic reaction (gives out heat) and hydrated lime. Quicklime is a widely used chemical compound used in a variety of markets that surround our everyday life such as construction, environmental, oil […]

18Feb 2021

While there are several different reasons for mine in aggregate production, the most common is production costs is too high; We apply a holistic approach, keeping the plant’s production requirements and budget in mind, to ensure that the solutions we provide are fit for purpose and integrate as easily as possible into the existing process. […]

24Feb 2021

Grinding in ball mills is an important technological process applied to reduce the size of particles which may have different nature and a wide diversity of physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics. Typical examples are the various ores, minerals, limestone, etc. The applications of ball mills are extensive in mineral processing and mining industry, metallurgy, cement […]

04Mar 2021

R-type Raymond mill is a classic and widely used grinding machine. This type of Raymond roller mill is commonly applicable to over 280 kinds of non-combustible and non-explosive materials with Mohs hardness of not more than 9.3 and a humidity of less than 6%, such as barite, calcite, potassium feldspar, talc, marble, limestone, dolomite, fluorite, […]

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