
03Nov 2023

Grinding blast furnace slag requires professional grinding mill equipment. Market value of blast furnace slag powder Solid waste in the steel industry includes tailings, blast furnace slag (or iron furnace slag), steel slag, dust sludge, fly ash discharged from self-owned power plants, and industrial waste. According to statistics, the steel industry currently generates approximately 170 […]

29Nov 2023

Pyrophyllite is an important non-metallic mineral resource. There are many pyrophyllite production enterprises in my country, but the intensification of the pyrophyllite industry is not obvious enough. In recent years, with the continuous development of economy, pyrophyllite has been “revitalized” in the applications of glass fiber, refractory materials, new materials and other fields. Pyrophyllite is […]

12Dec 2023

Ground steel slag powder is a high-fineness powder with a specific surface area greater than 350m2/kg, which is obtained by re-grinding and deep-processing the tailing slag products after separating metallurgical steel slag from slag steel. Tests have proven that ground steel slag powder is a highly active cement and concrete admixture with superior performance. The […]

23Dec 2023

There are many types of ceramic raw materials with different moisture contents. In order to ensure the consistency of the formula before and after raw material grinding, Chinese ceramic companies have been using the backward open-flow ball milling process. The biggest advantage of this ball milling process is that it can ensure that the proportion […]

15Jan 2024

The historical accumulation of steel slag is large, occupying land resources and causing environmental pollution. Calculated based on 13% of crude steel production,annual steel slag production reaches 135 million tons. How to make full use of steel slag has been a topic worthy of study in recent years. As a steel slag vertical mill manufacturer,Guikuang […]

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