
22May 2019

Petroleum coke is an energy material commonly used in coal, ink, metallurgy, and chemical industries. Its color is a color of charcoal, with coke and cooked coke. Petroleum coke is mainly used for the production of carbon products, such as graphite electrodes, anode arcs, for steel making, non-ferrous metals, aluminum smelting; preparation of carbonized silicon […]

31May 2019

Feldspar is variety in type, current included potassium feldspar, albite, anorthite, barium feldspar, sanidine, orthoclase, plagioclase, labradorite, etc., with the market promotion, feldspar used in various industries is more and more widely. Among them, the application of feldspar is very significant, as an aluminum silicate mineral, feldspar powder is widely used in agriculture, ceramics, glass, […]

14Jun 2019

Phosphogypsum, is solid waste of the fertilizer, phosphoric acid production emissions. With the development of phosphate fertilizer industry in recent years, emissions of phosphogypsum are increased to more than 10 million tons/y of phosphorus. Those large number of discharged phosphogypsum waste, will take up land, cause serious environmental pollution, so reasonable conversion of phosphogypsum resources […]

01Jul 2019

With the development of economic, the exploitation value of the metal mineral and non-metallic mineral has increased day by day. According to related st-atistics, the trend of development of the non-metallic mineral raw materials in the future is high purity and ultra-fine. Although it is possible to prepare the ultrafine powder by chemical synthesis, but […]

16Jul 2019

The calcite vertical roller mill conical grinding roller has an inclination angle to the grinding disc. The grinding roller is mainly rolling friction in the grinding grinding process, while the rolling resistance of the large diameter grinding disc is small, so the unit energy consumption is low. The composite roller sleeve has good processability and […]

29Jul 2019

Recently some customers will inquiry some problems about Raymond mill, for example, some old customers produce micro stone powder but the output is increasingly decrease, which has influenced the manufacturing efficiency. Here below I will introduce you the main factors that the reasons for output reducing. Firstly, there are overmuch or insufficient raw materials, two […]

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