
31May 2021

– High whiteness and optimal particle size contributes to high opacity of paint coatings – The plated shape of the particles improves the mechanical properties of the film and reduces the permeability of coatings – High chemical resistance and water repellency increase corrosion resistance – Chemical inertness improves protective properties and provides excellent interaction with […]

17Jun 2021

Bentonite Raymond Mill sử dụng con lăn nghiền để nghiền vòng nghiền để đạt được hiệu quả nghiền. Nguyên liệu được nạp một lần và bột được tạo thành, và độ mịn rất thuận tiện để điều chỉnh. Máy là một bộ hoàn chỉnh của bảo vệ môi trường kín, không gây ô nhiễm, bảo […]

30Jun 2021

Grinding is to break the large iron ore slag and associated appendages into small pieces or powders for the use of sorting waste. There are two grinding methods: mechanical grinding and material grinding. Mechanical milling is one of the most commonly used milling methods. The main grinding machines include series Raymond mill, vertical roller mill, […]

30Jul 2021

Differences in composition: The main structure of albite is framework silicate, which is a sodium mineral of plagioclase solid solution series, and usually exists in microcrystalline rock and granite.   The main components of Aeolian fossils are Carboniferous, calcite, dolomite, magnesite and other carbonate minerals.   Differences in properties and uses of substances: Albite crushing […]

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