
15Mar 2023

Thermal power plants and coal-fired boilers are the industries with the most concentrated and largest sulfur dioxide pollution, and are also the key industries to control sulfur dioxide pollution. Limestone-gypsum flue gas desulfurization wet process (FGD) and calcium injection process in boiler are the most mature and widely used technologies to control sulfur dioxide emissions […]

26Jun 2023

Recently, a gypsum powder manufacturer called thegypsum grinding mill factory in Guikuang to inquire whether GK’s grinding mill can grind calcined gypsum at 300 degrees Celsius? During the calcination and dehydration process of calcined gypsum powder, the particles aggregate to produce particle differences. During the calcination process, the process parameters fluctuate within a certain range […]

05Oct 2023

The selection of the ore mill depends on the fineness and capacity of the ore powder. A Raymond mill is usually chosen for producing about 20 tons the ore powder of a single machine with a fineness of 80-325 mesh. An energy-saving and high-producing vertical mill can be selected for an output of a single […]

27Nov 2023

Kaolin is an inorganic mineral raw material used in ceramics, enamel, rubber and plastics, papermaking, coatings, chemicals and other industries. The kaolin grinding production line configuration plan provides a full set of grinding process support for kaolin 325 mesh grinding. Kaolin is a common non-metallic clay mineral. The higher the fineness, the greater the added […]

13Dec 2023

Whether the Raymond mill operates under negative pressure is the main factor affecting the output of the Raymond mill. So, what is the working principle of the negative pressure Raymond mill? Negative pressure Raymond mill means that the entire Raymond mill system belongs to a fully enclosed space, and the internal air path is circulated. […]

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