
17Dec 2021

Steel slag grinding powder can be used in cement admixtures to improve cement properties, increase setting time and reduce hydration heat. It can also be used as an admixture of concrete. As an admixture of concrete, it can improve the fluidity and pumpability of concrete. In addition, it can also be used in saline alkali […]

24Jan 2022

Guikuang has accumulated a wealth of cases in the non-metallic ore grinding markets such as kaolin, limestone, barite and dolomite. Customers greatly appreciated the product quality and service provided by Guikuang. Not only the quality is the same, but also the after-sales service is more perfect. It responds to customer needs in time and provides […]

15Mar 2022

The secondary utilization of fly ash has become a key topic concerned by the government in recent years. Among them, the secondary utilization of fly ash in construction, building materials and other fields has attracted much attention from all walks of life. Fly ash is mainly composed of SiO2, Al2O3, FeO, Fe2O3, Cao, TiO2, etc. […]

02Apr 2022

Is there a manufacturer that provides equipment for grinding orthoclase powder with a capacity of two tons per hour? Selecting the manufacturer of mineral powder mill can increase production, reduce noise and cost, and create greater income and profit. If you want to produce two tons of orthoclase fine powder, Guikuang and ultra-fine mill equipment […]

29Apr 2022

Which equipment is better for grinding 200 mesh ore powder, such as montmorillonite powder, dolomite and marble powder? Guikuang, the manufacturer of ore grinding mill, has developed a new generation of Raymond mill equipment from the perspective of the market. It abandons the disadvantages of low production and high consumption of traditional grinding mills, increases […]

25May 2022

Tailings are the remaining waste after mineral processing or mineral extraction, which will cause certain harm to the environment, but it is not useless. It is understood that why tailings can be used as building materials, is this true or false? Can tailings be used as a building material? Sure! The acquaintance of mine tailings […]

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