
25May 2019

Phosphogypsum is the industrial slag of wet process phosphoric acid, is the largest discharged waste in chemical industry. As the rapid development of economy, the discharging of phosphogypsum is rising. The waste captured large fields, and may also pollute the air and underground water. At present, the waste phosphogypsum cannot be well utilized. Dealing with […]

04Jun 2019

No matter what kind of machines or equipments, lubrication work is necessary to the powder grinding mill. So if we want to use our grinding mill in a long time, we must do maintenance work well, and the lubricants work is one of the important works. What kind of lubricating oil should be used in […]

22Jun 2019

Along with the rising demands of product fineness, fine-powder grinding technology is widely applied. The conveying facility of such equipment is bucket elevator. However, the capacity of elevator sometimes can be much lower than designed. According to operating experiences, we summerize some reasons and solutions. 1.Insufficient bucket loading Loading quantity directly influence the capacity of […]

08Jul 2019

Grinding feldspar, the selection of feldspar grinding equipment is very important. Guikuang has rich experience in processing feldspar, and provides professional GKW ring roller pulveris mill according to market development needs; further meet the needs of powder processing and production. GKW ring roller pulveris mill is used for grinding feldspar powder, which has the advantages […]

22Jul 2019

Milling 300 mesh powder, what kind of mill equipment can you choose? Guikuang provides excellent mill equipment, such as Raymond Mill, Vertical Mill, Ultra-fine Mill, Ultra-fine Vertical Mill and so on. These mills are excellent mill equipment that Guikuang team constantly innovates and improves. Among them, Raymond Mill is a specific 300-mesh mill equipment with […]

01Aug 2019

The finished powder processed by Raymond mill is affected by the specifications of the Raymond mill, naturally the price will also be different. Ground by the Raymond mill, the raw materials will be stay in the blower. The air generated in the main body of the blower will blow up the powder, which will be […]

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