Barite is the most common mineral of barium and its component is barium sulfate. It is produced in low-temperature hydrothermal veins, such as quartz-barite veins, fluorite-barite veins, etc. It often coexists with galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, cinnabar, etc. Barite can also be produced in sedimentary rocks and appears in the form of nodules. It is mostly found in sedimentary manganese deposits and muddy and sandy sedimentary rocks in shallow seas. It often forms knots and blocks in the residual clay covering layer of weathered residual mineral deposits.

The crystals of barite are in the shape of large tubes, and the crystals sometimes gather together to form rosette-shaped or bifurcated crystal blocks, which are called crested barite. Pure barite is colorless and transparent, generally white or light yellow, with glass luster. Barite can be used as white pigment, chemical industry, papermaking, textile filler. Barite can act as a flux in glass production and increase the brightness of glass. Barite is mainly used as a weighting agent in the drilling industry and in the extraction of barium.

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