Tag Archives: calcium carbonate

Limestone bases on Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). Lime and limestone is widely applied as construction material and industrial material. Limestone can be processed into building stones or be baked into quick lime, and then add water to make slaked lime. The lime slurry and lime putty can be used as coating material and adhesive. Lime is […]

Oil Absorption Value The oil absorption value represents an index of the amount of filler absorbed by the resin. In practical applications, calcium carbonate uses oil absorption as an indicator to predict its demand for resin. As the oil absorption value increases, the viscosity of the resin increases, which will change the rheological properties of […]

As Paper Filler Calcium carbonate has many advantages such as low price, can improve the opacity of paper, and increase the ink absorption performance of paper. It is one of the important traditional fillers in the paper making industry. Used As White Pigment In The Coating Of Coated Paper Coated paper coating is a composite […]

Calcium carbonate powder is widely used in many industrial fields. vertical roller mill is an equipment that promotes the creation of value for calcium carbonate grinding projects and realizes large-scale pulverization. Based on customer needs, We produces professional vertical mill equipment to help calcium carbonate grinding projects reduce energy consumption and increase output.     […]

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