Tag Archives: crushing

The efficient lamination crushing cavity should combine with evenly and fully feeding condition in order to give full scope.   Different crushing cavities are suitable for different working conditions. And the crushing cavity should match the specification of cone crusher.   The crushing ratio beard by crushing cavity is fixed. If the crushing ratio is […]

Quartz main ingredient is silica, Mohs hardness 7, translucent or opaque crystals, generally white.Quartz according to the quality can be classified of ordinary quartz sand, fine quartz sand, high purity quartz sand and fused silica sand. Quartz stone production line is divided into ordinary quartz sand quartz sand and refined quartz sand. General quartz sand […]

Quartz sand is widely used in the following industries: 1. Quartz sand applied in manufacture of glass, making refractories, smelting ferrosilicon, metallurgical flux, abrasive materials and other fields; 2. Quartz products in construction industry used for extracting concrete acid and acid-resistant mortar; 3. Quartz sand plays an important role as the core raw material in […]

Crushing and grinding are two progresses of making raw material into smaller size. They don’t have evident distinction. But in most case, the progress of grinding mainly indicates produce superfine output size which reaches to powder. In the industries of mining and chemical, crushing and grinding equipment types have large difference. Almost all of the […]

In quarry or mining industry, crushing and grinding are usually used for making stones or rocks into smaller size or even powder size. However, there are lots differences between crushing and grinding, and each progress need different machines. The progress of processing large stones or rocks into smaller size (mainly granularity size) is called crushing. […]

With the development of infrastructure, the amount of sand of a substantial increase. In order to protect the environment, natural sand mining is prohibited, instead of that artificial sand. The main raw material for the production of sand are pebbles, river gravel, limestone, granite, basalt and other minerals, where pebbles, river gravel and limestone are […]

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