Tag Archives: Potash Feldspar

Potash feldspar, also known as orthoclase, belongs to monoclinic system. It is usually flesh red, white or gray. Density 2.54-2.57g/cm, specific gravity 2.56-2.59g/cm3, hardness 6. It has the characteristics of low melting point (1150 ± 20 ℃), long melting interval and high melting viscosity. It is widely used in industrial sectors such as ceramic blank, […]

1. The Market value of potash feldspar ore Potash feldspar is widely used. In the ceramic industry, it is used as the ceramic body ingredient and the ceramic glaze amount to 30%. It can also be used in chemical industry, glass flux, enamel raw materials and other industries. The consumption of glass products and building […]

Potash feldspar is widely used in ceramics blanks, ceramic glazes, glass, electric porcelain, abrasive materials, potassium fertilizer production, and other industries. Approximately 50-60% of potassium feldspar is used as raw materials for the glass industry, approximately 30% of potassium feldspar is used in the ceramic industry , and the rest is widely used in chemicals, […]

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