Amphibolite is the name given to a rock consisting mainly of hornblende amphibole, the use of the term being restricted, however, to metamorphic rocks. The modern terminology for a polycrystalline plutonic igneous rocks are composed primarily of hornblende amphibole is a hornblendes, which are usually crystal cumulates. Rocks with >90% amphibole which have a feldspar groundmass may be a lamprophyre.

Amphibolite is a grouping of rocks composed mainly of amphibole (as hornblende) and plagioclase feldspars, with little or no quartz. It is typically dark-colored and heavy, with a weakly foliated or schistose (flaky) structure. The small flakes of black and white in the rock often give it a salt-and-pepper appearance.

Amphibolite was a favourite material for the production of adzes (shoe-last-celts) in the central European early Neolithic. In the VSG, it was used to produce bracelets as well. Amphibolite is a common dimension stone used in construction, paving, facing of buildings, etcetera especially because of its attractive textures, dark colour, hardness and polishability and its ready availability.

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